Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Language Of the 21st century

As a girl of the 21st century who is totally into the use of technology in all forms is also the victim who is been using abbreviation of words or also called the technology or SMS language. The short forms used in this language have dourly led to the ruination of my English Language with spellings and formation of sentence and maybe the same with others too.
 It all started with the use of text messaging. We try to type as less as we can, with replacement of words by a single letter or digit which have the same sound (for e.g. ‘C’ for see, ‘U’ for you, ‘4’ for four, ‘2’ for to etc.) At times we also replace the syllable within the word with a digit (for e.g. ‘l8er’ for later, 2mrw for tomorrow etc.) Texting has also led to the evolution of acronyms, where the letter of the words in phrases are used, such as ‘LOL’ for ‘laugh out loud’, ‘BTW’ for ‘by the way’, ‘IRL’ for ‘in real life’,’ JTLYK’ for’ just to let you know’, ‘BRB’ for ‘be right back’ and many many more. Also we use ‘emoticons’, that express mood and also the facial expression such as ‘:D’ for ‘laughter’, ‘J’ for a ‘smile’, ‘L’ for a ‘sad face’, ‘;(‘ for a ‘cry’, ‘:P’ for ‘sticking tongue out.
It more over increased with the constant use of E-mails, Online Chats and Blogging too. English continues to change with the influence of all kinds. The influence of technology is highly dynamic in nature and I along with many are experiencing it almost every day and mainly the reason for the forgotten English with spellings and formation of sentence.

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